Volunteer at The R.O.P.E. Center

Are you passionate about making a real, lasting difference in the lives of those facing homelessness? At The R.O.P.E. Center, we believe in the power of community and compassion to restore hope and rebuild lives. Our Christian-based program is dedicated to feeding, clothing, sheltering, and providing essential services that empower individuals to overcome homelessness and find their path to physical, mental, financial, and spiritual well-being.

By volunteering with us, you become a vital part of this transformative mission. Whether you can lend a hand in serving meals, organizing donations, providing mentoring and support, or sharing your skills in workshops, every contribution counts. Together, we share hope and extend help in the name of Jesus, guiding individuals from despair toward personal and spiritual wholeness.

Join our dedicated team of volunteers today and be a catalyst for change in our community. Your commitment can make a profound impact, offering not just practical assistance but also the invaluable gift of renewed faith and resilience. Together, let’s embody the spirit of compassion and service to create a brighter future for those in need. Together, we can make a difference.


Volunteering at The ROPE Center has been one of the single most important and rewarding things I’ve ever done.  I was in the midst of a huge life change, upheaval, so to say … and honestly, The ROPE Center did more for ME, than I did for them.

I already knew Pastor Sue, but she brought me in, open arms, introduced me to the most wonderful souls who just … love. Simply, love. They love people, all people, and do everything they can to help, to counsel, to advise, and serve. They humble and inspire me.

I saw so many miracles and often said that Pastor Sue has God’s ear, and she does. She and Pastor Jim are doing God’s work, what they were called to do and I know that the community is better because of them. Lord knows I am.

— Judy A

Pastor Jim and Sue, Happy Anniversary & Congratulations on 15 years.

It has been an amazing journey being part of The ROPE Center. Getting the opportunity to watch clients change their lives, getting jobs, reuniting with families & moving into their own places has been priceless. Seeing individuals who are broken, addicted to substances, with no hope become productive members of society is truly a blessing.

Without Jim & Sue’s hard work and endless hours to start The ROPE Center, none of this would be possible. It has been an honor to be a part of this program for the last 4 plus years. It is wonderful to see God’s blessing upon this place.

Here’s to us for another 15 years. Thank you for all you do and allowing me to be a part of The ROPE Center. Pastor Jim & Sue…. Love you both!

— Gregory Hicks MSW, Registered Clinical Social Worker Intern

I just want to say how blessed I have been being involved with The ROPE Center.  I have seen so many miracles with life-changing events in people’s lives. Sharing the hope of Christ with people who have given up on life and feel Hopeless. 

I am truly blessed and have met so many new friends at The ROPE Center.  A true light of hope in this dark world.

— Pastor Judy

Volunteering with The ROPE Center was one of the best experiences I’ve had. The people I met and the help we were able to provide really filled me with a sense of purpose. I looked forward to going every time and am so glad to have met such amazing people from every walk of life, learning their stories and seeing how much they’ve grown.

Anytime I’ve met someone in need, I’ve recommended The ROPE Center and did my best to help them get in contact. I love everyone there.

— Jade

I felt that I was blessed, so I wanted to give back.  When I met Jim Campbell I knew this was where I wanted to be. but instead of me giving of myself, I feel I have had showers of blessings.

It is so fulfilling to see individuals rise above all obstacles.  I feel honored to be apart of their stories. This organization has helped so many in the community.  I feel blessed to be a part of The ROPE COR journey. It has been a wonderful 7 years.

— Susan G.

Just to think the vision you had would flourished into what it is today. Answering that phone call 15 years ago asking if I wanted to help open a homeless shelter changed my life. It gave me a whole new understanding on what it meant to give unselfishly. I met some amazing people along the way. Learned any one of us could become Homeless you don’t have to be addicted to drugs or alcohol. You just can’t let it define you as a person. It’s a situation and God blessed the world with people like you and Jim to put their life on hold, To help a complete stranger without judgment to find their way. Thank You for allowing me to go on this journey with you. I love you Both! Congratulations 🙏

— Linda S.

In 2015, when I moved back to this area I prayed to God that I would find a place that had a heart for the homeless. Shortly after I got here there was a write-up about pastor Jim’s ministry(The ROPE). The next day I went to visit and meet this man and realized I had arrived!!

This has been the answer to my prayer and home ever since! I love these people!!!! They are like family to me. I feel blessed and honored to be a part of this ministry. We’re blessed beyond comprehension which leads me to believe the Lord had this for me in His purpose and my destiny. Love what’s going on.

— Pastor Vickie

Three years ago, I wanted to share God‘s love and was referred to The ROPE Center to find out about becoming a volunteer.

I entered and encountered a place like no other that I’ve ever experienced.

To encounter caring kindness, and love towards the less fortunate was something I’ve never seen done in this way. Witnessing broken people entering the doors and success stories leaving those same doors with a new lease on life , knowing and loving God, family rebuilding, drug and alcohol free, business owners, having a vehicle, high school and college graduates.

This can only be accomplished with leadership and direction. God placed modern day disciples, Pastor Jim and Sue Campbell for others to witness what God can do when you’re obedient to his calling.

— Susan L.

I have volunteered at The ROPE Center for over 3 years. I feel blessed every day to work with everyone there, including the residents. The center has been the lifeline for so many. I’m constantly amazed at all the time effort and prayer that Pastors Sue and Jim put into this ministry.

— Nancy

I have volunteered for The ROPE about 10 years. Everything from blankets to the thrift store to cooking on Wednesdays. I have enjoyed all aspects and have enjoyed all of it. Thank you Jim and Sue for giving me the opportunity to serve. God bless us all.

— Nino

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