The R.O.P.E. Center
Success Stories

It was around the beginning of 2009. I was 21 years old at the time. I remember it like it all happened yesterday. One day I was in my car, trying to escape a bad situation. A full blown alcoholic by that age. I had no family, no parents, no one. I had barely any gas in my car. No money in my pocket. No where to lay my head. No place to get food. Had been kicked out of parking lots by the police the whole night. In the morning I started driving north. I didn’t know where I was going. I had nowhere to go. Something just told me to drive north. I got to Rhodes Rd and was about to run out of gas, so I turned on that road to try and figure things out.

Bawling my eyes out not knowing what to do. I get a little way down the road and see a pick up truck with people standing around it. I keep driving not knowing it was a dead end. I turned around and start driving past the truck again and pastor Jim stops me. He asks if I’m lost and can see that I’ve been crying. I told him yeah. He asks me if I was hungry and invited me into the building. I didn’t know at the time that it was a transitional living facility.

Jim and Sue start talking to me about my life. I told them everything. I felt so comfortable with them and didn’t even know them. They tell me about the program and how they could help me. I took their offer and I thank God to this day that he sent them in my path.

They helped me when I completely had no one. They believed in me. They took me under their wing and treated me like I was one of their own kids. I consider them my mom and dad, even though they aren’t blood. If it wasn’t for them and The ROPE Center I don’t know where I would be at today. Probably living on the streets getting drunk everyday or dead. That was what I had seen happening in my life at that time.

Today I am 14 years sober, a mother to three beautiful girls and a wife to an amazing man. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can’t say it enough or show you enough how much I appreciate you guys and the things you do for people. I love you both.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Crystal T.

A Registered Nurse suffered a severe heart attack while performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on a patient in her care. She was sent to rehabilitation but due to the severity of her heart condition, she was unable to get clearance to return to work.

The Disability process was slow in coming and as a result, she lost her home, car, all of her possessions and moved into our facility.

Due to the program’s success, she was awarded a donated car and, with the help of a community development program, she leased one of our brand-new homes with her son.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story R.N.

Great people there, they’re very understanding and help you whatever you need help on! I lived there for about 3 months and they helped me and got my life on track and I’m happy where I’m standing because of them!

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Lilly

The R.O.P.E. Center has been a pivotal point helping me to maintain my sobriety and also with advising me in numerous ways to get my life back on track.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Tyson

I was 83 years old when I became homeless. Years of family dysfunction is the root of the family dynamics. The ROPE Center surrounded me with love, protection & spiritual guidance. After 3 years, Pastor Sue arranged for me to go to an ALF. I am only alive because of Jesus Christ and The ROPE Center. I am now 88.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Mary

The ROPE Center provided me the opportunity to get back on my feet and to rebuild my life and spirituality. The office personnel continues to help me achieve my goals and set me on the right path. I am very grateful for all that The ROPE Center has done for me.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Steve

ROPE Center has brought stability to my life. I am able to work and save money to get on my feet much easier with all of the resources here. The caseworkers and interns are all amazing and work very hard.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Brandon

To whom it may concern. The ROPE has been a great experience in this phase of my life. Learning how to cope and deal with life experience situations.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Mark

The ROPE Center helps people learn how to be IMPORTANT to self start. There are programs that are here to help the individuals suffering from homelessness and hunger. Get your belly full and help others while improving yourself.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Andrea

The ROPE Center taught me to give back to my community and to help others whenever possible. I will always be grateful to God for providing The ROPE Center to help me and others like me in the community.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story V.S.

What a blessing to be able to get a new start at life and realize I’m not alone. That bad things happen to good people. God Bless.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Jill

When I came to The ROPE Center, I was homeless and strung out on drugs and alcohol. They took me in and put clothes on my back, food in my stomach, and gave me a safe place to stay where I found God and a new way to live. This new sober Christian that I am today has done a complete 180, with the help of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour, good orderly direction found at The ROPE Center, and from the Prayer House Church. Today life is good. Better than my wildest dreams and hopes. I have a driver’s license now – that took a lot of money and hard work to get and a fairly new vehicle.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Lee

My experience here was wonderful. I met some very nice people that helped me move on and be able to go back to society with a good head. I want to especially thank Pastor Jim and Pastor Sue for the unconditional love and help with my problems. Thank you very much. Your friend for life.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Chic

I would like to Thank Pastor Jim & Pastor Sue Campbell & The Rope Center & residents one more time & forever,  for lifting me up when I was down. For giving me strength when I was weak, for giving me hope when there was none, for showing compassion & love when I couldn’t see it. For giving me structure when my world fell apart .most of all, strengthened my faith in Jesus. I moved on from The Rope Center in January 2023 & I miss everyone. I’m doing great, have a good opportunity to restructure my life & start living right. The Rope Center is the last stop on my 11 yr road to recovery. It has been the best part of my Journey because it has been the best place to find true help when you need it.  Only wanting to change and excepting your fault’s will give you the guidance you need. Thank you Rope Center for being there for me. Much love.God bless.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story S.N.

I leave today with a heavy heart. The Rope Center has been amazing place. The love and guidance is amazing, through Jesus Christ teaching and spirit. I, today have found a place to live . I could not of done this without The Rope center.Pastor Jim and Pastor Sue have rebuilt my confidence in living with their love and passion. Greg has been such a mentor, a wonderful person, kind and a great man.

Both Susans’ are amazing ladies , kind and gentle. Elaine is kind and helpful. THE ROPE CENTER has turned my life around.

I am grateful for The Rope Center. I’m leaving with positive thoughts and energy.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story T.D. Resident

I came into The ROPE Center at the age of 46. I have dealt with alcohol and drug addiction since my preteens. This ultimately led me down some dark paths in my life. I was eventually locked up and on release had nothing and nowhere to go.

The ROPE Center offered me the chance to rebuild my life with firm but loving hands. I’ve also have regained my faith in God. Without God and Sue and Jim Campbell, I would not be where I am today, over 8 years clean and sober.

Matthew 25: 31-40 Christ speaks saying I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I need to clothes and you clothed me. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

I can never thank you enough Jim and Sue Campbell. I love you both.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Tom

I came to The ROPE Center, the summer of 2021, I didn’t know what to expect had never been to a shelter ever before. The staff and residents welcomed me with open arms.

The ROPE Center is a place where you can change and rebuild your life. They give you the tools to change your life, but you have to do the work.

Since I’ve been at The ROPE Center, with the help of the staff, Pastor Jim Campbell and Pastor Sue Campbell I have found and give my life to God’s hands.

Now I have a full time job with a world wide company, and earning my CDL license.

Thank you Pastor Jim and Pastor Sue Campbell for what you do for all of us and the community. God bless you.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Jeff

A Retired Navy Chef, who suffers from PTSD, used alcohol as a crutch and eventually became homeless, living in the woods in Hernando County.

He came into our program, followed the structure, and we were able to obtain VA help for him, transitioning out of homelessness and into an apartment.

For many years he came back to the Community Resource Center (COR Center), volunteering his time to cook for the chronic homeless.

The R.O.P.E. Center Success Story Veteran U.S. Navy
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